The management company of Ancona-Falconara Airport has joint the “Autism, moving through the Airport” project conceived by ENAC with the collaboration of Assaeroporti and the involvement of the sector association ANGSA Marche APS (National Association of Parents of People with Autism).
If you wish, it is possible to carry out a familiarization visit to the Ancona-Falconara airport a few days before departure.
To book the visit, simply download the booking form, fill it in, sign it and send it to along with the required documentation. The form must be sent at least 7 days in advance of the flight date. We will contact you to arrange the appointment based on airport operations.
To facilitate preparation for the trip, Ancona-Falconara Airport has prepared a Social History which, through photographs and short texts, describes the environments and explains, in a simple way, the various moments of your journey through the airport, from arrival by car to boarding, with particular attention to what the passenger will hear and see in the various phases.
For more information on how to request assistance and the services offered, consult the page dedicated to Passengers with Reduced Mobility.